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CSS HSL Colors

HSL stands for hue, saturation, and lightness.

HSLA color values are an extension of HSL with an Alpha channel (opacity).

HSL Color Values

In HTML, a color can be specified using hue, saturation, and lightness (HSL) in the form:


Hue is a degree on the color wheel from 0 to 360. 0 is red, 120 is green, and 240 is blue.

Saturation is a percentage value, 0% means a shade of gray, and 100% is the full color.

Lightness is also a percentage value, 0% is black, and 100% is white.

Experiment by mixing the HSL values below:

hsl(0, 100%, 50%)







Test it Yourself



hsl(0, 100%, 50%)

hsl(240, 100%, 50%)

hsl(147, 50%, 47%)

hsl(300, 76%, 72%)

hsl(39, 100%, 50%)

hsl(248, 53%, 58%)

Test it Yourself



Saturation can be described as the intensity of a color.

100% is pure color, no shades of gray

50% is 50% gray, but you can still see the color.

0% is completely gray, you can no longer see the color.


hsl(0, 100%, 50%)

hsl(0, 80%, 50%)

hsl(0, 60%, 50%)

hsl(0, 40%, 50%)

hsl(0, 20%, 50%)

hsl(0, 0%, 50%)

Test it Yourself